JitBlox roadmap

This is our current roadmap, which reflects our own thoughts as well as user feedback. The roadmap is subject to change and we always welcome feature requests on our GitHub repository.

Get early access to Pro features

Priorities may change over time and we cannot provide dates, but we aim to reach our version 1.0 milestone by mid-2024. Until then, you can get early access to Pro features for free, without any obligations. After the release of version 1.0, we will offer you to activate your Pro subscription or to return to the Free plan.

  Free Pro

Unlimited private projects Early accessAvailable


Private projects will not be visible to anyone but yourself.

Download source files without JitBlox header Early accessAvailable


In the Free version, downloaded project source files include a JitBlox header.

GitHub integration (public repositories)Available


Push a project's source code directly to your public GitHub repository, allowing for easier collaboration and integration with platforms like CodeSandbox and Netlify.

GitHub integration (private repositories)Early accessAvailable


Push your project's source code to a private GitHub repository.

Theme editorEarly accessAvailable


Customize your application to your own corporate identity by creating custom themes using a user-friendly UI.

Project templatesAvailable

Project templates with the most common application layouts to kick-start your project even faster.

Component previewAvailable


See a live preview of the custom component as you build it, using a preview window integrated into the designer.

Project sharing and collaborationAvailable


Invite collaborators to your project and allow others to see or modify your project.

Advanced component editing featuresEarly access

  • Easily create and try different variations of your custom components.
  • Help manage your template elements by creating distinctive, collapsible regions.
  • Omit elements from the output without removing them.
  • Attach notes to elements.
  • Convert your selection into a custom component.

Always-available previewEarly access


Keep your application alive after you leave the JitBlox designer. Invite your clients to check-out your prototype when it suits them.

JitBlox 1.0 milestone release

This is when all of the above features are done and we will officially release JitBlox 1.0. 🥳

Some of the features that could come next:

OpenAPI or JSON import

Quickly create a data model by importing existing OpenAPI specifications or JSON schemas.

Custom code support

Add custom Javascript or TypeScript code to make more sophisticated properties and event handlers, or custom CSS to have more control over styling.

Integrate web component libraries

Enhance your project with components from popular web components from libraries like Shoelace, Material Web or FAST.

Support more frameworks

JitBlox was designed to also target other frameworks/libraries than Angular, for example Vue.js, React or Svelte.

Media uploads

Get rid of placeholder images and external images by uploading your own images to JitBlox.

Looking for something that is not on this list?

Tell us what you think and help us improve JitBlox by submitting a feature request or by providing feedback on other ideas.